Tips for Winterizing Your Vacation Home

Winter travel is becoming more popular as people realize that the lower rates and cozy cabins are just what they need to get away. Especially when it comes to properties like ours in Colorado, the winter snow and sports draw people in from all over the world.

If your vacation rental property is in an area that gets hit hard by snow, ice, and all that winter weather, follow these tips for winterizing your home. Implementing these into your post-guest clean-up will ensure upcoming guests enjoy their stay in the colder months.

Winterize Your Home Step 1: Stock Up on Necessities

Before the weather gets too crazy, make sure that you stock your property up on the different winter essentials. This includes a wide range of items, and if you don't have them you risk angry guests or an unprotected home. For those items that are for your maintenance team, you need to ensure that they have everything they need as well-sturdy shovels are just the start. Guarantee a safe and warm stay by providing the following items:

  • Thick sheets and warm blankets
  • Wood for the fireplace-and an ax for guests to cut more
  • Salt or sand to prevent slippery outdoor surfaces
  • Extra batteries for every device that needs them
  • Cozy slippers and robes
  • Hand warmers, gloves, mittens, and hats
  • Sturdy shovels
  • Heavy brooms
  • Snowblower

Winterize Your Home Step 2: Perform Inspections

This is one of the most important things you can do to winterize your home. Switching over to colder weather means that you need to check all your appliances. Performing winter maintenance and prep is vital to ensuring your home is in top shape for the cold months. If you don't feel like checking these things out yourself, schedule a check-up with a maintenance team. They should inspect the following:

  • Inspect your HVAC system and make sure your heater is working properly with no leaks
  • Check your roof and chimney for broken or cracked shingles that could come loose
  • Make sure gutters and downspouts are free of leaves and dirt
  • Inspect fireplaces
  • Check for door and window leaks
  • Test any alarms
  • Take Security Measures

In general, bookings tend to be lower during the winter, which means the property will be vacant more frequently. Make sure you're taking the proper steps to protect your property, whether that be installing automatic lights or asking neighbors to check on your snow and ice buildup while you're away.

Deep Clean the Property before the winter weather really hits, deep clean your property's interior. Chances are that guests are going to spend more time in your home if they book in the winter, so you want to leave a good and clean impression. This means that all the nooks and crannies need to be cleaned and dusted. All blankets and comforters need to be washed, and refrigerators need to be emptied and cleaned-think of it as pre-spring cleaning.

Compile a List of Contractors You'll be glad you get this list in order before winter storms have you panicking to find a 24/7 electrician. This list should have contractors you feel comfortable hiring in case of emergency. Include anyone you would need to contact in a variety of emergencies, from neighbors to HVAC technicians. If you need help getting your property in order, turn to Exceptional Stays, a Telluride property management company. We can help you manage your property and get more bookings on your calendar. Reach out now!


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