Doctor’s Orders: 8 Signs You Need a Vacation

If you can't remember the last time you had a vacation, it's probably time for you to take another one. More and more people are recognizing the benefits of annual vacations and plan on taking trips throughout the year to lessen stress and improve happiness. According to Statista, "40 percent of adult travelers under the age of 60 reported taking a weekend vacation multiple times a year."

Admit it-you need a vacation. Whether it's a weekend trip or a 10-day extravaganza, a vacation will do a lot for your mind, body, and soul. Below you'll find the different signs pointing you to the fact that you're in dire need of a getaway.

8 Signs You Need a Vacation

1. You're Constantly Feeling Negative

If you wake up in the morning and instantly grumble or are consistently in a bad mood, then that is a sign you need a vacation. When you're constantly frustrated, easily annoyed, and generally unhappy, these are clear signs you need to take a break. Although it's good of you to get up each day and get to work (even when you don't want to), over time, these feelings may lead you to create an unhealthy environment. Give yourself the time to unwind and foster some positivity.

Vacation Prescription:

Create some positive memories-try something you've never done before. Downhill skiing, skydiving, or whatever else piques your interest and will help you kickstart your mood.

2. Your Stress is Sky High

When you haven't had a vacation in a while, you may notice that you're often on edge. If you're running around all day every day only to crash on your bed late at night, give your mind a break. Sure, some people thrive in stressful situations, but being a part of them all the time can really harm your health. Avoid burnout with, at the very least, an annual vacation.

Vacation Prescription:

You need relaxation. Staying busy is not in the cards for your vacation-chill by the pool, get a massage, and take the time to focus on what's truly important to you.

3. Work Rules Your Life

If you're someone who works in an office all day, just to go home and think about work, this is a huge sign that you need a vacation. When vacation is set on the back burner, and work is constantly heated, people tend to forego their favorite hobbies and activities. Though work is important, it's even more vital to have a healthy work-life balance. Give yourself the credit you deserve; recognize the signs that you need to take a vacation and then you can go back to work with more urgency and passion than before.

Vacation Prescription:

It's time to recharge your creative mind with something other than work. Explore an art museum, drink some wine at a paint and sip class, or reenergize while whitewater rafting. Do what you can to forget about work for a while-also, no electronics!

4. You're Nursing a Broken Heart

Instead of mending your broken heart by overloading on sweets or piling on work to keep your mind off of the situation, try a solo vacation or a trip with your close friends. Time may fix difficult situations but traveling can help speed up the process. Taking time off and traveling is known to make people happier, so give it a try.

Vacation Prescription:

Take time to reconnect with what makes you happy, but don't forget to have fun while you're at. Sunbathe at an L.A. boutique hotel or go on a winery trip through Napa Valley.

5. You're Using Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms

Find yourself reaching for the wine bottle or the ice cream tub at night? Coping with stress, burnout, depression, etc. can be an overwhelming task. Thankfully, traveling is a great way to help with those things. It provides you with the freedom and self-expression that many individuals overlook during their daily lives. Instead of ice cream, why not book a ticket and stroll down a gorgeous beach.

Vacation Prescription: Signs You Need a vacation

Spending time outside and reconnecting with nature is a wonderful way to recharge and reevaluate. Go on a hike, explore some national parks, or scuba dive-the goal is to spend time outside on your trip.

6. Small Problems are Difficult to Overcome

It happens to everyone-when you need a break, your ability to handle various circumstances may begin to diminish. You'll find little quirks turn into major annoyances. Suddenly, a simple conversation seems massively difficult and the person who parked in your "normal" spot has you out for revenge. Michael Kerr told Business Insider that "a lack of healthy perspective on issues can definitely be a sign you need to recalibrate your mental settings."

Vacation Prescription: Signs You Need a vacation

Recalibrate your mental settings with a relaxing yet revitalizing vacation. Spend equal parts sitting on a patio up in the mountains and engaging in new activities such as cooking a three-course meal. Use your time off to rectify your mental health.

7. You've Been Craving a Moment of Silence

If your life is overflowing with bustling people and endless projects, leaving you with no me-time, it's time for that to change. When your only time alone is when you're sleeping, something needs to change. Your body, mind, and soul are begging for a moment to rest.

Vacation Prescription: Signs You Need a vacation

Spend time with yourself and rest up at a silent retreat. Maybe silence for you means distancing yourself from work-take a trip to a foreign country and get that moment of silence in a land where you can be free from who you're supposed to be.

8. Quality Time Hasn't Been Happening

When was the last time you and your significant other had any quality time together? And spending one day sleeping on the couch together doesn't count. Many people are overwhelmed by everyday tasks, whether that be with work, taking care of kids, running a household, etc. Just like an individual needs personal time, a couple needs "couple time." To keep your relationship healthy and flourishing, you need to plan for some quality time.

Vacation Prescription: Signs You Need a vacation

Reconnect with one another at a couples retreat. It sounds silly, but plan a getaway that includes things that make both of you happy. Try something new and exciting together.

No matter what it is that's urging you to get away, listen to it. Give yourself some credit-you've made it this far and that's incredible. Don't be afraid to reward yourself. Whether it's with a Telluride cabin rental or a Mediterranean cruise, take time off to reconnect with yourself and your loved ones.

Telluride property management companies have luxury rentals in Colorado and around the world. We will set you up with the best place to sit back and unwind. Check them out-you deserve it!


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